Mobile Food Pantry-Crawford 9/24 at 5pm - NEW requirements-See Below

Helping People. Changing Lives.

Mobile Food Pantry-Crawford 9/24 at 5pm - NEW requirements-See Below

Due to changes in funding, the Food Bank for the Heartland now requires ALL participants complete The Emergency Food Assistance Program form (TEFAP-click here) to receive food. This self-disclosed income form must be completed at each Mobile Food Pantry prior to receiving food.  Further, anyone needing food to be picked up for them must complete a Proxy Consent Form (Click here) prior to the event and send the signed form with their authorized representative. This form must be presented at each Mobile Food Pantry prior to receiving food for someone else.  These forms are available here (see links above), at the Mobile Food Pantry, or can be picked up from the Crawford Food Pantry during their regular hours: Mon 4-6pm Wed. 10:30-noon.

Thank you for your patience as we transition to this new requirement.