It's February…
Head Start
Early Head Start Program
Head Start works to strengthen the abilities of children ages 0 to 5 years old, pregnant mothers and their families. Federal income guidelines are followed. No fees are charged.
Community Services
Community Services works to prevent homelessness by providing emergency rent assistance payments, emergency electricity and/or heating fuel payments, food...
Weatherization Program
Weatherization works to lower the cost of living by providing Weatherstripping, caulking and several types of insulation applications at little or no cost to income...
Volunteer Services
Volunteer Services-RSVP provides opportunities for active older adults age 55+ to volunteer and share their skills, talents and valuable experience with the community.
Our Service Area
Helping People. Changing Lives.
Northwest Community Action Partnership, provides programs and services to thousands of residents in the Panhandle of Nebraska. Head Start - Weatherization Learn More