Community Services

Helping People. Changing Lives.

NCAP's Community Services help the community by:

  • Addressing the needs of low-income individuals including the homeless, hungry and others.
  • Provide services and activities addressing employment, education, better use of available income, housing, nutrition, and emergency services.
  • Work to lessen poverty in our communities.
  • Improve living conditions and increase self-sufficiency.
  • Provide support systems for strong families.

NCAP offers many programs to alleviate poverty and assist consumers who meet program guidelines.  Some NCAP services include:

  • Food and nutritional supports
  • Assistance for homelessness
  • Family supports

Several funding sources are used to provide these services. Each funding source has its own restrictions and requirements. All funding sources are limited and services are subject to the availability of funding. 

Working with other providers and our partners, the community increases the capacity to achieve results. 

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