
Helping People. Changing Lives.


In order to be eligible for Northwest Community Action Partnership's Weatherization Assistance Program two requirements must be met.

1. The home must not have been weatherized in the last 15 years. If you are unsure whether or not your home has been previously weatherized please contact our office at (308) 432-3393 or email Brian at

2. The household must have a gross income (income before taxes) below 200% of federal poverty level or receive aid in the form of Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Aid to Dependent Children (ADC), or Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) funds.

2024 Poverty Income Guidelines 200% of Poverty Level

Household Size

Maximum Annual Household Income

1 $30,120
2 $40,880
3 $51,640
4 $62,400
5 $73,160
6 $83,920
7 $94,680
8 $105,440
For each additional family member add $10,280